arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

smell of roses...

Came to know recently tat a sweet union has begun for my 2 nice friends.. hee.. although there was smell of roses here and there..
I finally see the roses... hee..

Blessings for the journey together.... stride with pride....

I pray for sweet roses all the way...

Monday, January 24, 2005


so pple are born alone.. you leave alone.. so how to justify two person connectivity?
wat makes it go? I guess you feel tat you have an invisible line with the other half. no matter where you go, you have a tot inside you tat he or she is connected to you. Sometimes anger, frustrations, different view made you doubt the connection, but end of the day, when you miss tat person, the connection seems so clear and the differences dimnish..

Have you ever cloud your mind and heart with the anger and differences tat you forgot the line of bond you share with tat person?

I admit i do at times, i feel so lost and angry at things, how things cannot be wat you want.. cannot be wat you predict..

I pray that i will i never forget the line of connectivity, even how hard times are,
I hope that me missing the person will always erase all differences and anger.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

The rabbit

Feng Shui Hut

Rabbit Born in: 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999

Those who are born in the year of the Rabbit are a group of tranquil people, they do not talk much and they love
peace. An elegant animal, which attracts opposite sex. Full of imaginative cells is what a rabbit person born with.
A rabbit is a very compassionate animal, he never fail to console a friend when the need arises. A friend in need
is a friend indeed. A rabbit moves along with his intuitive and it always proven to be right.
Friends of the rabbits are trying to understand him, his inner self is camouflaged with a mysterious layer. At
times, a rabbit can be quite eccentric and unpredictable. With a timid personality, a rabbit is always being
Word of advice: Stand for your right.

The Rabbit likes: The arts, Comfort, Secrets, Riddles and Intrigue.
The Rabbit dislike: Decisions, Violence, Criticism, Untidiness and Dirtiness.
Your Luck In Year 2005

Overall Forecast
Rabbit will have severe interference from bad karma, which prevents you from being optimistic throughout the
year. You will be involved in various conflicts and unable to escape. There are things you have to take naturally,
go with the flow and you should feel more at ease. Be conservation or you will induce disasters. Participate in
charity and community work if time allows because they can improve your luck substantially.

There will be great fluctuations at work, which you will be unable to control but if you understand your
capabilities well enough, you can adapt to the situation and utilize your potential. Students should achieve good
results in the school and express their talents at the key moments. Rabbits with desk jobs will enjoy better luck
and pay more attention to social networks because it will help you in your daily routine.

Your love luck will be less than satisfactory. There will be frequent arguments, which will cause exhaustion.
Couples and lovers should plan a vacation this year to relax and develop a better understanding. If the two of you
can discuss your conflicts calmly, you will be able to make rational decisions. Mutual respect is the key.

Luck is relative bad for you so avoid any casual investment or you will lose substantially. Business Rabbits need
not to expand this year. Rearrangements are safer options. Relying on rumours or convenience will only lead to

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The OX

Feng Shui Hut
Geomancy Consultancy Services
Ox Born in: 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997

Those who are born in the year of the Ox are quiet. The Ox is hardworking, he is slow but steady. The Ox is
resourceful, ask him a question and the answer will be delivered without fail. The Ox is adaptable in any
environment, it makes no different between a luxurious apartment or a makeshift hut. An Ox is a royal and
honest friend. Those who being friend with an Ox, they feel secure.
The Ox can never keeps up with the latest fashion. Due to he slow personality, he always old-fashioned.
Stubbornness is the trademark for the Ox. As the saying goes: Sometimes is easier to shift the mountain than
changing the mind of an Ox. At times, Ox is defensive and quick-tempered.
Word of advice: Don’t worry, be happy

The Ox likes: Tradition, Appreciation, Organisation, Sobriety and Routine
The Ox dislike: Gimmicks, Parties, Gossip, Laziness and Being Teased
Your Luck In Year 2005

Overall Forecast
This is a great year for Ox. Everything looks bright and positive. There will be unexpected inheritance along the
way, no matter what you do. Even with your good fortune, you should stick to your principles. Being wayward or
taking short cuts will exhaust your resources and even induce ongoing lawsuits.

Your good luck in general will benefit your career and Ox students will achieve outstanding results. You will
receive help when you need it most, either in study, job search or entrepreneurship. Though there may be
hiccups, you will fulfil your goals in the end. Bear in mind to be modest and cautions when this happens for
bragging is an adversary to your career. Also, set your goals beforehand or you will exhaust your energy and
resources and induce unnecessary conflict.

Your love luck is relatively weak because you simple don’t have time to handle relationships. Conflicts and
misunderstandings will arise and these will let will let you down and cause loneliness but everything will still be
stable in general, just be calm and patient and things will resolve eventually. Don’t over socialize and pay more
attention to your family. There will be disagreements between couples over finance. It will take sincere
communication to solve this. Being emotional will only make things worse.

Your luck will fluctuate but it remains satisfactory in general. It is similar to your career luck in that both need to
identify goals clearly. Don’t give up easily when changes happen. Persistence will provide an unexpected happy
ending. Be careful of new friends. It is always wise to protect yourself. Stay out of others’ business and avoid
providing monetary support to strangers. You may lose more than you can afford.

snake day

Just laze yesterday..went golf, shopping... too lazy to go work, and also there wasn't much to do... sent J to chinatown to meet her sis, tour the famous chinatown nite market... all the new year goodies.. the waxed duck, pork leg.. yucks... my mum and bro loves it.. looks weird to me... strange how chinese has so many customs and cultures... in the midst of the bubbling crowd,

the strangest thing is.. there was this german guy selling german sausages. He was wearing a fake chinese ponytail and cap, promoting the nite market, saying is the best nite market of the century with many goodies and fun... hmm.. maybe cater to tourists I guess, he seems to stick out like a sore thumb though.

Me collects poker cards.. saw a stall that sell cartoons poker cards, brought x men, spiderman and the incredibles. tot was quite cool... found a shop who customised car plates and door plates too.

anyway.... so tired today coming back to work... can't wait for friday man.. yawn..

Friday, January 14, 2005


hmmm.. wat to tok abt??.. anal friends... I have many friends as my mum will say my pig and dog friends in hokkien. Some of my pig and dog friend has seen me thru more than a decade.

But strange as you grow older, you realise.. some friends are for keeps, some are not,

me and a friend N has known each other since 15, Hang out together, share cigis and food when we are really broke.
We saw each other partners come and go.. hang around each other 15 hours a day just doing nuthing..

recently years, my career taken better path, where N was still drifting. N found a good partner who can support her if N have no career or money,

things starts to change.. She started being arrogant. being a likable in the group of friends, she play the influence game... if someone was to comment on her behaviour. She will not talk to the person and even influence friends not talks to her.

I had been a victim, I have commented on her actions behaviour and attitude as i sincerely was worry for her. Well all i got was total group outcast.

I kept my pride or I could not care less, i did not even confront her actions as she was gutless to even tell wats wrong. All she did was bad mouthing me.

From then on, it also open my eyes to other friends in the group, i learn to keep my comments. i also learn no to commit too much. As they are not really friend of distress, i believe.

I learn my lesson, from tat day, N to me is just a friend in the group.. No more crap from her, I am keeping my distance,

To me, she could beg on the streets, i will be just dropping a dollar and move on. No other strings attached.

I guess wat goes around comes around, she is now being an outcast due to a totally immoral act. i dun sympathise or gloat abt it.

all I can say, good luck to her. Enjoy the feeling that you have to carry. Coz it is your dues. just pray for mercy. hope you learnt your lesson.

but seriously i doubt it.

Monday, January 10, 2005

strange things

attending my ex's wedding.. we were together for 3 and 1/2 years. broke off at 1998.. so long ago.. strange but somethings you still remember... but they are all flashbacks, memories, no more feelings though.. strange...

so glad she is getting married, she seems to be different... i guess first love are really not for keeps.. :>

so glad we see light in our own different worlds.

I cannot imagine the pain anymore. only joy and nice memories

Bless her and her husband..

Bless all relationships to be like tat.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

series of mishaps

My colleague got her car scratch and dented by some idiot who park head in, did not catch the driver red handed, some luck,

this is the fifth on in 2 months not very good sign man... first was me on 22 dec, then D on 23dec then S on 4 jan and L on 5 jan, then my collegue on 7 jan, strange things happen.

Last nite i was gog changi with mum and bro. I was behind a taxi and a tall truck, there are some road widing construction gog on. I was abt 10 metres away from the taxi in front travelling at a speed of 60km/hr. it was a 2 lane road, as we were traveling, there came a van, beside me, all of the sudden the truck steer left, and the taxi too, as I cannot see wat happen due to the stupid tall truck, I just follow suit, there was somes barriers at the side of the road which result in lane merge, I steer left left quickly also trying to avoid the barrier and also the van, with some miracle luck, i manage to scarp thru safe and sound, As I move on, i look to my side I realise I left with only 10 cm on both sides, wat a close shave, i have to write in to ask them to put up more directions man.

please be really safe on the road, it is really jinx man...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


yes.. wat a drag... 2005 is finally here! so wat have I done in 2004...cannot remember.. hee... forget the bad.. look forward for a good lucky year...planning a trip with friends to malacca.. I need to getaway.. even if it is 1 day. Feel like packing bags alone to go trip man...hmmm...(devious smile...)so sick of work.. same as last year.. chase to close mag mag after mag. no more creatives juices liao.. dry prune.... hmmm...

anyway.. new year resolution... drive 200m mark for tee off... hee. my friends to be safe and sound and happy, I hope to see something at the end of the tunnel. a light.

And of course too struck chinese new year toto..!!!!!! then can tour around the world for a year.hee hee... wishful thinking...

Oh yah.. this year less debts to clear...