arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

long lost blog

As shown, I have not been blogging for a long time, forgotten until got a "gentle" reminder from a friend...

Havent really been thinking much lately.. hahah..

oh yah a new job, look bright and sunny I hope, actually a bit sad tat i will miss my old place, but I guess when it is time.. it is time.. will be joining a big company.. hopefully I will enjoy there.. since I have sign the contract, there is not much of a choice I guess..

My friends were so glad for me including my present colleagues.. makes me feel tat maybe I have done the right thing. oh well..

Everything is smooth, there is nuthing I could complain..

Funniest gossip heard..somebody denying she is attached and calling the people who spread the rumour "imbeciles"... I guess she can call her mum an imbecile.. wahahahah...
How can someone lie all her way to the extent of even believing her own lie and living it, I guess her whole life is a joke man...

Strange things make up the world I guess,
tired,.. have not been sleeping well... watching VCDS and enjoying it.. feeling zonk out...

Done KTV over the weekend with some of my friends...

Noticed something different.... J has been really quiet with the group.. She seems to be building a barrier with them, the group of friends have been overconcern abt my R/ship.. worrying why j is not accompanying me as much as she can.. I am pretty okie abt it, I have made my promise and I will keep to it and try to work things out with J, this group of friends have been doubtful as wat J is doing.. they are afraid for me.. but everything is really fine...

But their suspicions has made J totally pissed, insulted and stressful, i just hope everything will die down after a while and J will be more comfortable toking to them... afterall they are also her friends...


At April 26, 2005 at 3:12 AM, Blogger iuh said...

yaya.. so happy for you tat you are moving on, and definitely seems like a greener patch there.
and i am so sad, cos i am going to loose a lunch kaki.. sob sob..
ya lah, there are many ppl who can convince themselves into believing what they want to believe in.

hmm.. think sometimes, it takes time to clear bad weather.. wait a while. :)


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