arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Thursday, April 28, 2005

dreams+ insomia and visons

3rd nite in the row... slept at 2 plus.. hit the bed at 12.. forced myself to sleep at 2.. but you can feel tat you are semi awake... so irritating.. sigh.. when finally maybe abt 5 am you finally could sleep.. I was dreaming... dreamt of people I have not seen before but in the dream they are mine very close friends.. dreamt me driving and my car can change colour and the shape.. and even sent my car for service.. good grief.. by 7.45am.. i am dead tired..

This is so draining.. i think I have to sleep 24 hrs to make up for it..

just found out yesterday abt a strange thing... My mum was telling abt this kid in her school who found a "friend" in the basement of the church.... always toking to the "friend" My mum think he mite be creating trouble.. told his mum... guess wat.. the kid's mum told my mum tat he see things.. since baby... :S.. after a while they stop toking abt it.. so last friday my mum and another teacher was bringing the kids to basement for lessons.. they all took the lift.. putting the incident behind.. the other teacher joking ask.. "so is your friend still here at the basement?.. Suddenly the life stops... break down... both my mum and the teacher was shocked.... the kid refuse to answer the teacher is his "friend" was still there.. but my mum and the teacher never ask the kid anymore... bizzare arh..

So as my mum finish relating the story.. she was telling me abt how my uncle could "see".. and always tell my mum which part of my grandma house is "occupied".. and she told me that when everytime my dad fall sick.. he can see things while he was driving.. damn.. dun know if my mum was telling the truth.... it is scaring me.. coz the last time I was sick. I too saw things when i was driving.. cheezzzz..

I hope it was just the antibotics....


At April 28, 2005 at 11:22 PM, Blogger iuh said...

waah.. you dream so much, you sure will be tired when you wake up!! take care pal, dun think so much! i used to dream of work, when i think of my work too much! the long weekend, rest lots, ok? :)

wah.. the small boy incident quite scary leh.. tell your mom to be careful lor. dun talk about it, when she is near the place lah.. leave it alone, it will go one!


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