arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


yes.. wat a drag... 2005 is finally here! so wat have I done in 2004...cannot remember.. hee... forget the bad.. look forward for a good lucky year...planning a trip with friends to malacca.. I need to getaway.. even if it is 1 day. Feel like packing bags alone to go trip man...hmmm...(devious smile...)so sick of work.. same as last year.. chase to close mag mag after mag. no more creatives juices liao.. dry prune.... hmmm...

anyway.. new year resolution... drive 200m mark for tee off... hee. my friends to be safe and sound and happy, I hope to see something at the end of the tunnel. a light.

And of course too struck chinese new year toto..!!!!!! then can tour around the world for a year.hee hee... wishful thinking...

Oh yah.. this year less debts to clear...


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