arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Just came back from bangkok..had so much fun..... went looking for gays pubs on the first nite.. loiter at silom area but we all could not get in as we were wearing slippers.. wahhaha such a boo boo.. so we sat at the cafe and had some beer and tom yam soup..which isnot even spicy... maybe cater to ang mohs tat why.. after tat went back to our service apartment.. laze and smoke then sleep at 3.. woke up next day and ate breakfast at the emporium.. nice food.. they serve this thick bread.. toasted with butter and sugar than retoasted.. taste very good.. they cut into small cubes too.. yum yum.. then we went to world trade center to tailor clothes and shop for undergarments..

After tat we went to siam square and MBK.. more shopping.. me brought jeans and berms and some tolietries... and we had a huge jap meal.. 3 sashimi boats! and each have the own food...wahha

after tat we went back to World trade center to do fitting for our clothes..
then we head back to the apartment.. was hungry again and we order a club sandwich.. hee... so pig man.. then sleep at 1 am... woke up next morning for breakfast.. ate some before we head to chatuchat..

was shopping happily brought a bracelet for jess... then all the sudden D got pickpocket... shit man...all the money and the cards was gone.. everyone mood was damn sian.. we went to info counter and this chinese thai guard speak very fluent chinese.. toks to us and help us write a note to the police as most police do not know english.. so shocking rite? and we saw a fellow singaporean who handphone waas pickpocketed too

so we went to the bangsa police station... all the police was sitting with their ultra tight uniforms watching cable of spiderman.. but could not speak or understand simple english...damn...

no wonder pickpocket are so daring...they have such efficent police.. duh.. guess wat we saw another singaporean being pickpocketed.. i thin we are nto tat really street wise..coz our country is so safe.. and we tend to take for granted....

after getting our police report for insurance claim.. we head back to MBK for more shopping.. and I brought some caps for my golf addicted pals.. wahahh.. and I brought a berms again.. wahaha..

Then we headed for silom nite bazzar... brought a bag and then a broach for jess.. It is a sea horse just like her tattoo...:)..

after tat went back hotel... coz was so tired... then the next day we went patunam for whole sale shopping... and the things there is so cheap man.. dirt cheap.. 3 times cheaper than MBK!.. after tat we rush back to apartment to take our luggage to catch our plane..

shop shop eat eat and drink drink.. not bad for a holiday man.. wahhaahah

I will be gog lombok in MAY.. yeh yeh...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

all my leisure

finally a holiday.. I finally get to fly to somewhere.. i have not been on a plane for 2 years.. wah tat long!.. cound not find time.. too busy.. i dun even remember I was busi with wat...but anywhere.. thursday i will be leaving bangkok for 4days.. will be shopping and eating and drinking.. over and over again.. feel so good man.. wahahahahaha.. then in May I am gog lombok to snorkel my hearts great!.. jess allow me to snorkerl even though she is very worry.. I am going to stay beside her in the water and not do anything risky.. hee..

I went my 2nd time of golf now.. made lots of boo boo. but everything is so fun and cool.. my loaned driver works best.... simply great.. I am going to custom one soon ... finally getting use to it.. pitching need more work.. feeling great man....cannot wait to do more.... hee..

finally feel excited

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

things tat I will be doing and done

Yippee... going bangkok on thurs.. finally get to fly.. yeah..
feels good man.. me gog lombok in May.. even greater!..

I need to get out of singapore.. maybe seeing fishes in lombok will calm me down. hee.

well.. we all had a nice surprise bbq party for a friend.. although she has not much of an expression.. but i think she was pleasantly surprised..

went to 9 hole yesterday... made many boos boos but very fun.. hee...thanks to my friends I think I am improving.... need to do more pitching and putting man.. .

so many things planned.. feel nice and happy...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

losing touch

been lazing.. work has not been stressful, so boring... I went to the 9 hole executive this week.. so nice.. whaha.. ball were flying or rather rolling everywhere except near the hole.. So fun, thinking of doing again next week.. hee... so my golf kakis.. onz??? hee...

Monday, March 07, 2005

wat is the result??

I have not blog for a long time... just felt so hard to blog..not tat my life is so exciting..

Had a quarrel or a tiff. yesternoon. Over the same recurring problem.. no time .. taking each other for granted.. dun see the light at each other tunnel.. same FUCKING problem.. feel sick talking abt it.. feel sick even writing abt it..
Try to accomomadate, to to be more understanding...
Yes. tat the only solution we have.. great...

Now she is upset with me for bottling my feelings, I am feeling frustrated.. so what If I tell... so wat??

I hate it when you ask me how ah lou come to this place on sat... I will have to say I go and fetch lah.. You make me feel so trapped..
Ask her to fucking take the cab! dun pamper her on my expense.. I hate it.

I am very tired. You keep saying tell you tell you abt how i feel. You have to be around and be there when i am feeling crap.. not rush out all my mood and thoughts in an 1 hour meeting coz tat all you can spare..

Wat I wan you to do?? I dun know.. Guess even you have last time when you have no time for me. You will still make me feel tat everything is okie. But now I dun feel tat anymore....