arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A different beat

Wondering life could change in just a month? how sometimes things could be so right?? then again all of the sudden, it seems to fall in a totally wrong place. strange eh???

I have never believe tat life could be so drastic.. but now I think i could understand. Sometimes i scared myself, i realised how little i know myself. Looking back, I used to enjoy looking at trees, flowers, wild mushrooms, how life evolve and how much i appreciate. Now i cannot remember when the last time I look at life.

I need to listen my heartbeat, I have forgotten how is like, why is everything so strange and detached from me??
I do not know wat I want for myself.... yet I am still living in it.. I have not done anything to change it. or i forgotten how to change it...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

strange things abt life

Unions and Breaks...

everything has a start and a end.....

How many of us really know when is the end? or rather a new start?

Getting on wif life sound like a simple yet so hard, some of my friends around have been facing difficulty with it.. i took 2 years to pick up my life... sigh...guess I hate changes too...

Guess just enjoy yourself while at it.. and dun think abt how it will change in future...

If you are afraid of the end... then you can never start a life...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

bumpy road

Ever wonder how sometimes on the road how sharp a bend is? but you never realise how sharp till you reach it? although you know there is a bend but you always never fail to brake hard till near..

Lesson never learn.. even though you know.. wahahaha..

I have learn to count my blessings constantly.
Someone commented i have a rather smooth sailing life, compared to many

I paused and think over the bumps in my life, i think I have a fair bit to make me grow, but friends never see my bumps cause I never carry it for long.

Guess i have a short term memory.. enough to live life happy and risky.

So live your life to forget the bumps.. so you can experience the thrill over and over again.. better than a smooth road and never feel anything....


Monday, November 15, 2004

holidays are over :-(

so unproductive.. me ans jess just rot at the hotel on sat and sun... watch tv.. charlie angel's, zhen qin, HBO, BBC, and sequence... just rot, no driving.. no cleaning of clothes... Yippeee.. feel so good.... I just feel totally wasted... hee

Now back to reality.. office.. my eyes could barely open.. yawn... my head still in the daze.... wahahahahaha..damn good..

I think I need longer break.. wahahaha...

zzzzzzzz signing off..

Monday, November 08, 2004

Our human origin

Once we are born as one individual, as we grow, our life was entwine with our famliy, brother, sister, father, mother, as one go school, its classmates and friends, then bosom friends and your love ones, then your own family, but when you leave the world, you leave alone. that life.. i guess

But people comes and go, some made laughter, some made a scar, some heal the scar, but those you remember are those who made a change in your life. Happiness has different opinions,
I love the times when I will so happy over a new toy...
but now when you have a car, many hi tech gadgets, you cannot feel the same joy.

When you started a relationship, you love blind, all lovers do tat, you are so happy, the new toy, doesn't matter if the toy cannot walk, cannot talk, you just love the toy plain and simple.

I cannot love simple, as you grow older.. you see things different, you love different, will i have another view when i grow older?.. I cannot decipher life at all, I just wan to live happy.. truly happy..

Sunday, November 07, 2004

surprise surprise........

had a fine time last nite... the surprise party was good.. after all the planning and conspiracy.... all to see the look on my pal face.... worth it man...

I think I have never seen her so shocked before in my whole life... wahahahaha... so cool...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

the sunies and sammies

ktv was fun.. we had so many songs.. I think I having an overdose of sammies and sunnies... seems that everyone like them... wahahah...

back to work.. work up early to fetch mom..then she say she ired..dun feel like gog work.. damn.. I am all dressed up to go out... I can sleep longer if I do have to fetch my mum. Bu tin the end I still sleep till 9 then go work.. feels good man... yawn...

Tomolo will be going bird for company d and d so called.. have to be there at 815am yucks! I am going to zonk out tomolo......after still have to go work to clear up some stuff...

life is so dull.. work and work.. I need a hoilday... beach, snorkerlling, lots of tan, sea, flip flops and bermundas... no COMPUTER! and of course no ironing of clothes for work.... yeah!!!!!!!

I seriously wan to go diving.. I think I am gog to ignore the numerlogist words..... i cannot wait for 2 years!!!... arghhhhhh...... shhhh...... jess will kill me man.. maybe I can convince her some other way around....hee...

I think I need a new hobby sigh... any ideas...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

satan's good friend

Temptation... every day in your life.. you are tempted.. to have a bad side.. driving is a great example... sometimes I am so tempted to knock down some irritating motorists.. i think i am a road rage, hahahaha.. okie.. we are always on temptation...relationships..

I have a friend who can coz of temptation give up 3 year relationship... just to know how is it like to be with tat person, her motto is rather than to regret must try, but will you regret to relationship tat you give up? She just need to feel the feeling of courtship.. the skipping of the heart beat.. but for the cost of it, is it too high??

well anyway she has gone back to her 3 year relationship.. hmmm.. but damage is done... wat is rite??

sometimes.. you can be so irrational...

I must say i have been tempted often by the devil...

Monday, November 01, 2004

weekend still here???...

me zone out.. the whole week.. never sleep so much in my whole life..... think I can sleep another 24 hours.. yawn... call up yesterday to report sick coz too tired..... sat was a friends birthday... we celebrated at siglap.. we went to brasil blah blah to eat for dinner.. some kebab plc in bukit timah.... quite fun...

Sunday me and jess celebrated our 2 year 4mths together.. wahahaah.. we celebrate every month.. suppose to be 30th but since we got friends birthday we postpone to 31... most of our friends think we are silly... we will take turns to surprise each other with nice and new restaurants. I brought her to Humble house.. hmm... food not very nice ley.. but ambience not bad... hmm.. wu keh keh.. you bluff me......

oh yah.. not javalin... but discus.. feel like using the swing...sorry wrong info...

A relationship of course is between 2 persons... but you grew up with friends and family, they are part of your life, part of your jigsaw..of course somehow or rather i will wish blessings from family and friends, there will be holes if you r jigsaw is not complete..