arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

bumpy road

Ever wonder how sometimes on the road how sharp a bend is? but you never realise how sharp till you reach it? although you know there is a bend but you always never fail to brake hard till near..

Lesson never learn.. even though you know.. wahahaha..

I have learn to count my blessings constantly.
Someone commented i have a rather smooth sailing life, compared to many

I paused and think over the bumps in my life, i think I have a fair bit to make me grow, but friends never see my bumps cause I never carry it for long.

Guess i have a short term memory.. enough to live life happy and risky.

So live your life to forget the bumps.. so you can experience the thrill over and over again.. better than a smooth road and never feel anything....



At November 18, 2004 at 5:45 PM, Blogger BUBA said...

You cannot keep going the same road..

the bend sign may look the same for all the road, but it still different

it is still a whole new feeling.. dun forget.. learnt to enjoy the feeling lah.. wahahahah


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