arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Thursday, November 04, 2004

the sunies and sammies

ktv was fun.. we had so many songs.. I think I having an overdose of sammies and sunnies... seems that everyone like them... wahahah...

back to work.. work up early to fetch mom..then she say she ired..dun feel like gog work.. damn.. I am all dressed up to go out... I can sleep longer if I do have to fetch my mum. Bu tin the end I still sleep till 9 then go work.. feels good man... yawn...

Tomolo will be going bird for company d and d so called.. have to be there at 815am yucks! I am going to zonk out tomolo......after still have to go work to clear up some stuff...

life is so dull.. work and work.. I need a hoilday... beach, snorkerlling, lots of tan, sea, flip flops and bermundas... no COMPUTER! and of course no ironing of clothes for work.... yeah!!!!!!!

I seriously wan to go diving.. I think I am gog to ignore the numerlogist words..... i cannot wait for 2 years!!!... arghhhhhh...... shhhh...... jess will kill me man.. maybe I can convince her some other way around....hee...

I think I need a new hobby sigh... any ideas...


At November 7, 2004 at 5:20 PM, Blogger BUBA said...

okie..more kakis for snorkelling.. but me still wan diving... okie.. slowly lah.. maybe we can do it in kuantan? beach good or not? anyother beach.. okie maybe we go redang?? hee....


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