arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Merry Christmas Humbug!

The holidays are here... not much of a mood... wallow wallow... in self pity... i think I am getting pathetic..

Life is so good for me... from an outsider pt of view..

I have been chasing my dreams my goals.. i have lots of dreams when I was young

I fulfil some, I forgotten some.... I have smooth sailing in all my life..

I used to be very patient and love to observe things around.. listen to pple.. to friends..
but I guess along the way I have lost it all..

I dun listen anymore.. I blow my temper easily on the road.. I curse at every bad service or injustice I get..

but I stop listening to myself.. so sad...

I am fortunate to have friends who are still around.. ppl who care for me and worried for me...

People who believe in me even though I dun anymore...

I am learning everyday.. . to be happy and contended.. I try...

2005.. must try.. be contented that you are alive to pass 2004.. look forward to working hard... to be more patient.. to curb my temper, and to love better... to treasure better.. to listen to myself...

And the best of all, be bless your friends are still here with you...



At December 28, 2004 at 2:09 AM, Blogger BUBA said...

I know i should also listen to myself more...
and if certains things are meant to be.. they are meant to be..

I will take it easy and let it be watever may turn out
the harder i forced it, the easier it will break..
or else I will be a sadder person..

Just like golf.. slow and relax.. dun force against it rite?



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