arghhhhhhh.. let it all out

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

My first blog

Read my friend blog tats why I am here.... quite interesting.. anyway.. I am more of a visual person.. horrible in writing and words.. I trying to express my tots into words...

hmm.... wat to say... how i get to know this blog.. actually thru a friend I know for close to 17 years, only get to know her recently actually, interesting character wahahaha... I have never make an effort to know friends in my life, even close friends, or shall I say let them know me too. Guess this was all along my flaw, friends pass by your life, some stay, some leave, some drift away, but as you grew older, I learn tat those tat are still around you must have a reason for being around, we should look up and see instead of brushing them aside.

Learning to know friends...


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